Train Your Brain

Train Your Brain
Does the age of your brain match your biological age? Our brain’s performance is not always measured by the years that we’ve lived. While some people might feel that their ability to remember and concentrate has not changed with age, others might observe noticeable changes in their thought processes, memory, and problem-solving skills. It is not uncommon for many of us to turn to IQ tests to measure intelligence and mental agility. An IQ of 100 reflects an average intelligence. From 115 upwards, you are already in the best quarter of all those tested. Only 2% of the population has an IQ of 130 or more. And although intelligent people are said to be mentally agile into old age, an IQ test only measures one aspect of many different factors. It cannot, for example, measure our creativity, social competence, or our ability to reflect. But above all, it cannot make precise statements about age and the age-appropriate capacity of our brain! A young person with an IQ of 120 can be forgetful like an advanced 80-year-old! There are many ways to keep your brain fit and active. Brain training through games, quizzes, puzzles, and riddles have been shown to encourage neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to change and adapt. In this free brain age test, not only will you be training your brain, but also determining its actual age! Our questions will assess your memory, comprehension-skills, and even your lifestyle. Try it out right now!
Nowadays, nutrition is linked to improved mental performance. For example, foods with high omega-3 content, such as fatty fish, support memory and concentration. Fruit and unsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in avocados, can also help the brain to stay fit. If your body has too little fluid, the brain releases cortisol, which can lead to lasting damage to your dendrites and subsequently brain activity. So, it is important to stay hydrated!
Exposing your brain to new challenges by learning a new language or instrument challenges your brain just as much as solving logical-mathematical tasks. So-called "brain jogging" can rejuvenate your brain by years and keeps you mentally fitter than others in your age group. In this brain age test, you can determine the age of your brain and find out if you should do more for your mental fitness in the form of online brain jogging. Take it when you are well-rested and focused!